Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Masculin, Feminin

Notes from my handy-dandy notebook!  This will be on how the film breaks conventional rules.

-The camera doesn't cut to each character as they speak.  There is no shot/reverse shot, the camera merely stayed on one of the characters while they spoke to another off screen character.

-Some of the editing doesn't appear to make continuity clear, and rather just make it confusing.  The shots also don't appear to have any relevance to the narrative.

-There are rarely establishing shots, in favor of slides presenting the scene number as well as a few printed words.  Usually we are thrown into a setting just before a scene begins.

-Music isn't used to evoke reactions of the audience, but apparently just to fill dead air, as the music track stops when dialogue or other sounds interrupt it.

-Parallel editing is used, but isn't entirely clear that it is being used during the movie theatre seen.

That's about it!  Otherwise, it was quite the trip!

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